Getting Started

A key aspect of Parenting360 is knowing the HealthTypes of your family. You’ll learn more about this as you go but there are a few important steps to set up before you begin!

1. Get Set Up

Take around 30 minutes to set up your very own ph360 account. Then get familiar with privacy, connect with the Facebook group, and get your FAQs answered. More…

2. HealthType Your Family

Connect your Parenting Partner and find out the HealthType of your Child/ren. This is how you can begin to understand your family like never before. More…

3. Get Prepared

Watch and download the resources to get familiar with Epigenetics, the HealthTypes, the science behind it all, and the Parenting360 lens. More…

The Impact of Personalized Health for Families

Imagine a world where you know who you are and what is good for you to be healthy and happy. A world where you know what your children need, how you can connect and communicate with them, and the best way to understand and support them to be the best versions of themselves. A world where parenting and co-parenting is built on the foundations of conscious communication, collaboration and community where all parties are on the same team – with love at the core, acceptance and empowerment as its drivers, and a family unit that is set for a happy, healthy, long and fulfilling life together. We are ready. Are you?

PART 1: Get Set Up

Setting yourself up for your Parenting360 program is easy to do – just move down the following checklist:

ph360 is the world’s first health platform based on Epigenetics and this is where you find out your HealthType. You’ll learn more about this as you go but, in a nutshell, your HealthType comes from your unique biology and gives you great insight into the way you see the world and more.

Be sure to check in with your Parenting360 Facilitator before you register for your ph360 account – it may be a scheduled part of your learning or you may need to complete it before you start.

  • Your Facilitator will provide you with a ph360 TOKEN (a unique code that gives you access to ph360)
  • Once you have your TOKEN, head over and REGISTER for your ph360 account.
  • Complete the assessment (this may take about 30 minutes and you’ll need your current weight and a tape measure). Check-in with your Facilitator if you have any questions about this.
  • Download the Shae mobile app and turn on your notifications.
  • When your assessment is complete you’re ready to go!

Email Parenting360 with your account Username and request the CHILDREN function to be added to your account. Click here to email now.

ph360 takes the privacy and security of all our customers very seriously and especially when it comes to children as their safety across all platforms is a priority.

With Parenting360, you own your data and are in full control of your data and who has access to it at any time. Your information (and your children’s) is 100% safe and secure as Parenting360 upholds international cyber security standards including both HIPAA and GDPR compliance requirements.

The HealthType profiling for children is conducted by the ph360 Science Team, who are fully qualified health professionals holding the “Working with Children Check” from the Australian Department of Human Services or local equivalent. Because you are in control of your data, it is up to each parent if they choose to keep their child’s information in the ph360 system to compare as they grow throughout their life, or delete it upon completion of a Parenting360 Course.

For more in-depth information, read the ph360 Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Policy here.

If you are on Facebook we’d love you to join us in the Parenting360 Participants Facebook Group to keep in touch with the growing global community and what current and past participants are sharing and discussing.

You will become part of a fantastic community of parents, caregivers, grandparents, and others that work with children who have participated in a Parenting360 Course. There is fantastic support and encouragement within this group as you navigate your Parenting360 journey and new lens!

Please also follow ‘Personalized Parenting by ph360‘, the Parenting360 Public Facebook Page to stay up to date with all the latest from Parenting360.

What will I need to prepare?

Your registration with ph360 and the registration/s or your child/ren are the only required preparation however you will find some useful resources in this Teachable Course that can help you become familiar with the ph360 concepts before you start. These are not compulsory but are helpful to feel prepared and to make the most of the program.

How long will the registration process take?

We recommend you allow 45 minutes to complete your adult ph360 registration and personalised profile and 20 minutes per child to upload the video, measurements and complete the questionnaire.

I already have a ph360 account, do I need to start a new one? 

No. If you already have a ph360 account all you need to do is send your username and the email address connected to your account to [email protected] and we will arrange for the ‘Children’ function to be added to your current profile.

If your membership has expired, email [email protected] and we will add a 3 month membership to your account after you have purchased a Parenting360 Course.

I have a Lifetime ph360 account but I haven’t used it in a long time. How do I reactivate it?

Simply login or if you have troubles with your password, please email [email protected] for assistance.

Is my HealthType determined by my weight?

Your weight is one of the many elements that is involved with designating your accurate HealthType. Your ph360 HealthType is based on complex ratios involving 17 measurements of your body. This gives us a clear, objective reading and an accurate HealthType.

Is this all about food and diets?

Food is an important part of everyday life and so is the main content of one session. Some of the other areas covered include Lifestyle Priorities, Strengths,

Genius, Movement, Chronobiology, Dominant Hormones, Choices, Behaviour and Rewards, Sleep, Natural Energy Levels, The Unique Mind, Social Interactions, Environmental Factors, Resilience and Different Parenting Styles.

Do I have to start cooking 5 different meals?

No! You will discover there are many changes you can make regarding food in your family without having to change the actual food your family is eating.

Parenting360 will cover food principles for each HealthType.

Additionally, it is highly likely many of the meals you are cooking for your family are good and may just need some tweaking regarding when and how they are offered or substitution of a few ingredients to make them great!

Do my children or other family members need to attend with me?

This is not a course for children to attend. Other family members involved in your child’s life may find the content in this course just as interesting, insightful and helpful and are welcome to register and attend. It is optional for you to attend with other parents or caregivers in your family.

Is it ok for just one parent to do it or should both parents attend?

All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend as individuals or couples – the choice is entirely yours. If both do want to attend, make the most of any parenting partner specials that are available!

If both parents are doing the parenting course, do we both need to enter our children’s data?

No. You only need to enter your child/ren’s data onto one parent’s profile.

Is the idea of the parenting course that my whole family needs to get on board and do ph360?

It is great if your whole family is keen to get on board with the personalized guidance of ph360 and you are encouraged throughout the course to regularly share the information with your family, however the course is still powerful and effective if they don’t.  As a parent there are many changes we can make to our families and households based upon the principles of ph360 without the necessity of everyone having a ph360 profile or actively following their HealthType recommendations.

Often the most powerful part of Parenting360 is the understanding it brings to the household through the HealthType lens.

Do the children get a ph360 profile or just the parents?

ph360 membership and personal profiles are currently only available for adults. The global ph360 Science and Medical teams have been working for many years to prepare this platform to be able to provide children with unique and personalized health profiles in the future. During the course, information will be tailored to children’s HealthTypes.

Why do I need to upload a video of my child for this course?

The course requires the ph360 Science Team to assess your child’s bone structure (size of feet, hands, jaw, forehead, knees, ankles, calf muscles, shoulder width etc) via video to determine their HealthType/s and provide you with the profile needed to undertake the course.

How many videos of my children do I need to upload?

One 5-10 second video of each child is required for the assessment. Please see the example video provided in your Teachable Course under Part A: ‘Setting up your ph360 profile and your child/ren’s HealthType assessment process’ for what is required to avoid having to re-submit your video.

I would like to know more about the privacy, security and data sharing of my children’s information?

We take the privacy and security of all our customers very seriously and especially when it comes to children as their safety across all platforms is a priority. With Parenting360, you own your data and are in full control of your data and who has  access to it at any time. Your information (and your children’s) is 100% safe and secure as Parenting360 upholds international cyber security standards including both HIPAA and GDPR compliance requirements.

The HealthType profiling for children is conducted by the ph360 Science Team, who are fully qualified health professionals holding the “Working with Children Check”  from the Australian Department of Human Services or local equivalent. Because you are in control of your data, it is up to each parent if they choose to keep their child’s information in the ph360 system to compare as they grow throughout their life, or delete it upon completion of your Parenting360 Course.

Please read the ph360 Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Policy for more in-depth information here. 

I am having some technical issues and glitches when I try to upload my child’s photos/video for the Science Team to do their HealthType assessment.

If you experience any technical difficulties when uploading photos and videos to your Children portal, please first try changing your browser. Eg. if using Safari, please try uploading them through Chrome or Firefox.

If you still continue to have issues, please email the following details to [email protected] so we can follow it up for you ASAP:

1. What you are trying to upload and for what purpose

2. Your device and operating system version (ie. MacBook Pro iOS v 13.1.2)

3. What browser you are using (safari, firefox etc)

4. Screenshots or preferably a screen record video of what happens when you try to upload.

What if I don’t resonate with my HealthType?

The most accurate way of finding out your HealthType is from completing your ph360 profile which involves taking accurate measurements and answering the questionnaire. If you haven’t resonated with your HealthType from the free HealthType test then complete your full ph360 profile and check by clicking in the top right hand corner to see what HealthType is given.

We are all unique and have elements of other HealthTypes in us. Often, we have a dominant HealthType in particular and then varying traits and aspects of all the other HealthTypes. Furthermore, throughout our life we may swing about 30 degrees around the HealthType circle. At different times of life we may exhibit elements of a particular HealthType more strongly than at other times.

The most important thing to remember is that your ph360 profile offers you guidance on the input your body requires for the most optimal health at this point in time. It is a dynamic platform and as you update your measurements, your profile’s guidance may change.

Can I use the parenting partner ‘Special Offer’ in PART 2 to bring a friend?

No, the ‘Special Offer’ is only available for a parenting partner or another caregiver who is having the same child/ren assessed. A friend will require a separate assessment process for their own children and will therefore need to purchase the course for their family.

Can syndromes, disabilities, illness, diseases and other health conditions affect my child’s HealthType Assessment?

Your child is not a HealthType, they are an individual. Any individual’s development is impacted by a myriad of factors, the HealthType being a foundation factor to consider. ph360’s HealthTypes are determined by the size, stature, structure and formation of the body to give a foundational understanding of a person’s biology. This HealthType information will give you a general overview of your child, regardless of diagnoses or disabilities, and the things that may be healthy for their mental and physical health.

The HealthType application won’t change or solve diagnosed conditions, but it can provide an incredible insight for you and your child when used as a lens over your approach to all aspects of care for your child. For example, you may have a child with communication challenges who is a Sensor HealthType, so you would be mindful of important priorities like their need for mental stimulation, a warm, soothing environment and well cooked foods.

During the Parenting360 Course, as you learn about and become mindful of supporting your child’s key Lifestyle Priorities, your child will experience reduced pressure physically and emotionally and their system will be allowed the chance to operate with the least amount of stress at all times. This can be a game changer for

their whole day when their lifestyle and environment reflects is most supportive of their biology and HealthType.

In the case of any diagnosed mental or physical health conditions or if you have any concerns about your child, we recommend you seek additional medical advice and support through a consultation with a trained medical professional for precision medical advice for your child.

When should I have my child’s HealthType profile reassessed?

The option now exists to have your child’s HealthType reassessed by the ph360 Science Team so you have the most up to date information about your child at this point in time.

Parenting360 encourages parents and carers to have their child/ren’s HealthType reassessed by the ph360 Science Team if they’ve noticed significant growth and change in the 12 month period after their first assessment or if they have gone through a major developmental period such as puberty. For most children they can be assessed in their primary school age years and then again in their secondary school age years. If a child was assessed when they were pre-school age it is worthwhile having them reassessed again in the following couple of years as they grow so much in that period.

Whilst a change in their Primary HealthType is uncommon, there may be shifts in their Secondary or Tertiary HealthTypes. Once children turn 18, they can purchase a full adult ph360 profile.

You can purchase a complete Child HealthType Reassessment by the ph360 Science Team here.

If topics aren’t covered in the course where can I find out more?

There are many ways to extend your learning about ph360 and Personalised Health including through your ph360 profile resources, Shae resources and Health Professional Network courses here.

How much focus should we be giving to the Secondary HealthType of our child?

You would be mindful of the influence of the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary HealthType within the areas provided below but for all main concerns particularly if the HealthType percentages assessed for your child are quite even, provide support based on their Primary HealthType.

When you have Primary, Secondary and Tertiary HealthType results for your children you would consider them in all areas through the lens of their Primary HealthType but particularly in regards to food, movement and their natural strengths.

You might be mindful of their Secondary HealthType in regards to how they interact Socially, how they use their Mind and areas of Genius.

Tertiary HealthTypes will mildly influence components of your child’s personality or behavioural patterns (how they act and behave).

Our Mission

To support the development of unique, confident, and compassionate young people by enabling parents and caregivers with the knowledge and resources to nurture children and the family unit with solid and healthy foundations through personalization.

Our Vision

An inclusive community where parents, children and loved ones grow up feeling understood, accepted and supported. A society where each individual has the opportunity and encouragement to thrive in their natural body and talents.

PART 2: HealthType Your Family

Now that you know YOUR HealthType it’s time to get to know the rest of your family!

We have had many requests for an option to have parenting partners join ph360 and utilize the platform while the family is completing a Parenting360 course or program.

It can be incredibly beneficial for your parenting partner to also have a ph360 membership so you can be sharing the personalized information together, learn more about each other, link your food lists and so much more!

There is a special offer for partners to access an exclusive 3-month membership to ph360 – simply contact your Facilitator to get started!

Once the CHILDREN Function is added to your account you are ready to upload your child/ren’s information.

Follow the instructions below to do this.

  • Click on the blue circle in the top right of your ph360 profile
  • Choose ‘MY ACCOUNT’
  • Click on ‘CHILDREN’ from the menu on the LEFT
  • Choose ‘ADD A CHILD’ in blue on the RIGHT
  • Complete the required measurements and questionnaire about your child
  • Upload your child’s video as per the instructional video below. You must provide an MP4 or AVI  file. (You can convert other format videos with software like Wondershare)A child’s HealthType is determined by their bone structure and body ratios involving the forehead, jaw, neck, shoulder width, hands, hips, feet, ankles, calf muscles, etc. It is therefore essential that your 5-10 second video is in accordance with the requirements for the Science Team to complete their HealthType Assessment.Please watch this instructional video before you upload your child/ren’s data.  Watch Video
    You will need:

    • 5-10 second video of each child turning very slowly
    • The child must look at the camera, and their whole body must be visible in the footage, with thier arms by their sides
    • Your child must wear fitted clothing e.g. singlet and bike shorts (not baggy or loose)
    • Please – no shoes, socks, hats, or scarfs
  • Read and agree to the Terms & Conditions to proceed
  • If you are entitled to upload multiple children, please choose ‘ADD A CHILD’ again and complete the above process for each child.
  • Your child’s HealthType assessment results will be available in your ph360 app online within 14 days. You will find it in the same ‘CHILDREN’ section in ‘MY ACCOUNT’ where you upload the information. You will receive a confirmation email once the assessment is complete.

It Starts With Behavior Change

Our health can be dictated by our behavior. Our behavior is driven by our conditioned responses to the experiences we undergo in the early years when our brains are developing and our minds are learning from the world around us. These first 6-7 years of our lives are important.

Therefore, in order to inspire and maintain the health of our future generations, we need to assist them in their early years, to understand who they are naturally and their own unique needs.

In order to do this effectively, we first need to understand ourselves and the difference between ourselves and others and that is where personalization provides an incomparable tool to help create a happy and healthy family unit.

PART 3: Get Prepared

Start getting to know Parenting360 from Founder, Matt Riemann and one of the many families who have experienced the power of the Parenting360 lens.

An Introduction to Epigenetics [8:36]

Matt Riemann, founder of ph360, shares more about the why and how of Parenting360.

The Impact of Parenting360 [8:46]

Join the Graetz family for a brief look into their experience with Parenting360 and the HealthType lens.

Primary, Seconday, Tertiary

Applying HealthTypes to the growing and developing child.

An Introduction to HealthTypes [6:24]

Join Bex, co-founder of ph360, to explore the essential HealthType basics.

HealthTypes: A Beginner's Guide

Download the eBook to learn more about each of the HealthTypes.

Home Schooling with ph360 [3:28]

ph360 is a supportive tool for home schooling families. Join Meagan for more!

What Parents are Saying About Parenting360

“We could almost see burdens visibly lifting from them…”

In talking to our children about their HealthTypes, even at their young age (8 & 6), we found it really resonated with them and they were able to confirm a lot of the things we talked about. We could almost see burdens visibly lifting from them too, as they began to feel more free to be themselves.

– Jonathan, Crusader Dad
“How as parents we can embrace (and not squash) habits …”

I have learned so much through the Parenting360 course about myself, my children and how our family operates. It has been like putting on a pair of 3D glasses, and seeing the third dimension of our family for the first time! The course has helped me to better understand my children and their individual needs, and how as parents we can embrace (and not squash) habits that are uniquely theirs.

– Meg,  Diplomat Mum
“Why my children respond in particular ways…”

The program has enabled me to understand the individuals in our household. How each of us approaches family life and the emphasis we place on this. I have gained a greater understanding as to why my children respond in particular ways and how I can parent with more positive outcomes. I highly recommend this program… Thank you ph360 team for helping our family!

– Vicki, Guardian Mum
“Good interaction and sharing between participants…”

Really enjoyed hearing real life examples from presenters of personal implementation and their results. This facilitated good interactions and sharing between participants.

– Tina, Connector Mum
“Feeling so much more like a valued part of our family…”

I can tell our Connector child is feeling so much more like a valued part of our family. I have learned about the ways I can really encourage her and bring her joyful nature to life.

– Sensor Mum
“Has felt like a revelation…”

I always felt like I really understood my son, but felt like I could never quite ‘figure out’ my daughter. I always subconsciously assumed that my daughter was going to be a ‘mini me’, that we would naturally like all the same things and think the same way, and being able to not just accept, but celebrate the fact that she is completely unique, and different to me in so many ways has felt like a revelation.

– Meagan, Activator Mum

Frequently Asked Questions

Your registration with ph360 and the registration/s of your child/ren are the only required preparation however you will receive some videos in your course resources to get familiar with the ph360 concepts before you start. These are not compulsory but are helpful in making the most of the program.

Your weight is one of the many elements that is involved with designating your accurate HealthType. Your ph360 HealthType is based on complex ratios involving 17 measurements of your body. This gives us a clear, objective reading and an accurate HealthType.

Food is an important part of everyday life and so is the main content of one session. The focus areas for the other six sessions includes Lifestyle Priorities, Strengths, Genius, Movement, Chronobiology, Dominant Hormones, Choices, Behaviour and Rewards, Sleep, Natural Energy Levels, The Unique Mind, Social Interactions, Environmental Factors, Resilience and Different Parenting Styles.

No! You will discover there are many changes you can make regarding food in your family without having to change the actual food your family is eating. Parenting360 will cover food principles for each HealthType. Additionally, it is highly likely many of the meals you are cooking for your family are good and may just need some tweaking or substitution of ingredients to make them great!

This is a course that will involve children but they do not need to work through the material with you as it has been prepared for adults. Other family members or caregivers involved in your child’s life may find the content in this course just as interesting, insightful and helpful and are welcome to join you but this is optional.

It is great if your whole family is keen to get on board with the personalized guidance of ph360 and you are encouraged throughout the course to regularly share the information with your family, however the course is still powerful and effective if they don’t. As parents there are many changes we can make to our families and households based upon the principles of ph360 without the necessity of everyone having a ph360 profile or actively following their HealthType recommendations. Often the most powerful part of Parenting360 is the understanding it brings to the household through the HealthType lens.

ph360 membership and personalised personal profiles are currently only available for adults. The global ph360 Science and Medical teams have been working for many years to prepare this platform to be able to provide children with unique and personalised health profiles in the future. During the course, information is tailored to child/ren’s HealthTypes.

Simply login or if you have troubles with your password, please email [email protected] for assistance.

Your child is not a HealthType, they are an individual. Any individual’s development is impacted by a myriad of factors, the HealthType being a foundation factor to consider. ph360’s HealthTypes are determined by the size, stature, structure and formation of the body to give a foundational understanding of a person’s biology. This HealthType information will give you a general overview of your child, regardless of diagnoses or disabilities, and the things that may be healthy for their mental and physical health.

The HealthType application won’t change or solve diagnosed conditions, but it can provide an incredible insight for you and your child when used as a lens over your approach to all aspects of care for your child. For example, you may have a child with communication challenges who is a Sensor HealthType, so you would be mindful of important priorities like their need for mental stimulation, a warm, soothing environment and well cooked foods.

During the Parenting360 Course, as you learn about and become mindful of supporting your child’s key Lifestyle Priorities, your child will experience reduced pressure physically and emotionally and their system will be allowed the chance to operate with the least amount of stress at all times. This can be a game changer for
their whole day when their lifestyle and environment reflects is most supportive of their biology and HealthType.

In the case of any diagnosed mental or physical health conditions or if you have any concerns about your child, we recommend you seek additional medical advice and support through a consultation with a trained medical professional for precision medical advice for your child.

The course requires the ph360 Science Team to assess your child’s bone structure (size of feet, hands, jaw, forehead, knees, ankles, calf muscles, shoulder width, etc.) via video to determine their Primary, Secondary and Tertiary HealthType and provide you with the profile needed to undertake the course.

We recommend you allow 45 minutes to complete your registration for your ph360 profile and 20 minutes per child to upload the video and complete the questionnaire.

No. If you already have a ph360 account all you need to do is send your username and the email address connected to your account to [email protected] and we will arrange for the ‘Children’ function to be added to your current profile after you have purchased a Parenting360 Course.

All parents and caregivers are welcome to register – the choice is entirely yours. If both do want to have access to their own personalised profile, there is a Special Offer available for parenting partners in the course resources you will receive after you have made a purchase.

You only need to enter your child/ren’s data into one parents profile.

If you would like your children to be assessed, we suggest that they be no younger than 2 years old. However if you would like to purchase the course as a parent-to-be, carer or health professional, you may still do so without child assessments.

There are many other ways to extend your learning about ph360 and Personalised Health including through your ph360 profile resources, Shae resources and Health Professional Network Courses. You can find out more here.

The most accurate way of finding out your HealthType is from completing your ph360 profile which involves taking accurate measurements and answering the questionnaire. If you haven’t resonated with your HealthType from the free HealthType Test then complete your full ph360 profile and check by clicking in the top right hand corner to see what HealthType is given. We are all unique and have elements of other HealthTypes in us. Often, we have a predominant or primary HealthType and then a secondary HealthType. Furthermore, throughout our life we may swing about 30 degrees around the HealthType circle. At different times of life we may exhibit elements of a particular HealthType more strongly than at other times. The most important thing to remember is that your ph360 profile offers you guidance on the input your body requires for the most optimal health at this point in time. It is a dynamic platform and as you update your measurements, your profile’s guidance may change.

No, the ‘Special Offer’ is only available for a parenting partner or another caregiver who is having the same child/ren assessed. A friend will require a separate assessment process for their own children and will therefore need to purchase the course for their family.

We take the privacy and security of all our customers very seriously and especially when it comes to children as their safety across all platforms is a priority.

With Parenting360, you own your data and are in full control of your data and who has access to it at any time. Your information (and your children’s) is 100% safe and secure as Parenting360 upholds international cyber security standards including both HIPAA and GDPR compliance requirements.

The HealthType profiling for children is conducted by the ph360 Science Team, who are fully qualified health professionals holding the “Working with Children Check” from the Australian Department of Human Services.

Because you are in control of your data, it is up to each parent if they choose to keep their child’s information in the ph360 system to compare as they grow throughout their life, or delete it upon completion of your Parenting360 Course.

Please read the ph360 Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Policy for more in-depth information here

Join the Community

Get to know your global Parenting360 community on Facebook.

“Imagine a world where our children are supported to lead their lives with passion and purpose and are empowered to be themselves without judgement or comparison.. a world where all caregivers can understand themselves, their fellow caregivers, and the differing biological and behavioral needs for each unique child and the best ways to support them to grow in flow. Wouldn’t that be a beautiful world to grow up in?”

Matt Riemann

Founder ph360 & Shae